
Regular Art, Music and Dance Classes

Afalyca has classes in drawing, painting, music and dance. Regular classes are held after school everyday. Afalyca is a space for students to be able to explore their creativity and find their voice. All classes are free for students to attend and students are able to join the classes at any stage of the year.

Teachers of these classes are practising art professionals who work on a voluntary basis.

Schools Programs

Afalyca is conscious that in most schools art and music education is not yet part of the regular curriculum.

Following a successful pilot art and music program in 2012 Afalyca proposes to deliver this program to three schools in the Baucau district.

Women’s Art Program

In 2013 Afalyca intends to commence a women’s art program that will be conceived through a series of group discussions with women in the sub-district of Baucau.

Afalyca Artists and Art Gallery

12 artists form the Afalyca artist collective. These artists work on their personal artistic pursuits and on commissioned projects. Artworks are exhibited at the Afalyca Gallery and local NGO workplaces in Baucau. International NGOs including World Vision and the Tour De Timor have engaged Afalyca in the delivery of sign boards, book binding projects and community murals and illustrations for programs.

Visiting artists and external programs

Afalyca has welcomed visiting international artists who have held professional development workshops. These workshops have culminated in, Community Exhibitions International Exhibitions Songwriting and audio recordings Information exchange

Afalyca also works with other organisations such as Many Hands International and Community Youth Centre Ponte Leste, in the delivery of art and music programs.